Volumen 11 número 2 - Agosto 2014
ISSN 0718-0918
Tabla de Contenidos > Actualización

Enfrentamiento de Macrocefalia en Niños
Mallea Escobar, Gustavo1, Cortés Zepeda, Rocío2,  Avaria Benaprés, María de los Ángeles2,  Kleinsteuber Sáa, Karin2.
1 Residente  Programa de Formación de Especialistas en Neurología Pediátrica, Universidad de Chile.  Hospital  de Niños Dr. Roberto Del Río.
2 Docente Programa de Formación de Especialistas en Neurología Pediátrica,  Dpto. Pediatría y Cirugía Infantil Facultad de Medicina Campus Norte, Universidad de Chile.

Resumen | Abstract | Texto completo HTML | Descargar texto en pdf

Cerebral palsy (CP) results from a static brain lesion during pregnancy or early life and remains the most common cause of physical disability in children. Despite being an "old" name, it has not lost its usefulness if used as syndromic term that implies a thorough etiologic study and a therapeutic approach that includes multiple areas of intervention and coordinated work of specialists in order to achieve the maximum possible functionality, optimizing motor, intellectual, communication and social integration, considering that the degree of development of a society is measured by the care given to itsdisabled people.

 Key words: Cerebral palsy, spastic cerebral palsy, dyskinetic cerebral palsy.

Revista Pediatría Electrónica
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Correo electrónico: gmedina.uchile@gmail.com
ISSN 0718-0918