Volumen 14 número 2 - Agosto 2017
ISSN 0718-0918
Tabla de Contenidos > Trabajos originales

Coaching de la enfermera de pediatría
Eva Pilar López García
Institución de Sanidad de Castilla y León

Resumen |Abstract | Texto completo | Descargar cuerpo en pdf

Coaching is a process aimed at helping a healthy person. The specific questions that are asked focus on the individual's goals and internal processes.

Professional coaching is a personalized and confidential training process through a large set of tools that help fill the void that exists in a person.

In the Coaching relationship the coach helps personal development by raising awareness and generating a higher level of responsibility and building self confidence

The general objective of this work is to know the current state of the scientific production nurse on the coaching figure of the nurse in pediatrics.

A descriptive study has been carried out, carrying out a bibliographic review up to the present moment in the following databases: Cuiden, Liliacs, Cochrane plus, TripDatabase, Cinhal and Pubmed.

We found 89 articles related to coaching, but 50 are discounted because they are not related to pediatrics, leaving only 39 articles that mention the figure of nursing as coach in pediatrics.

According to the place of publication, 15 (38.46%) of them are from Australia, 10 (25.64%) from the United States, 9 (23.07%) from Japan and 5 (12.82%) from the United Kingdom.

According to their scope of application, 30 (76.92%) are related to the nurse in rural areas, emphasizing their health education work and 9 (23.07%) in a hospital setting.

There is a planning to follow, with different stages based on health education.

Within the conclusions, it can be said that: Coaching goes beyond, it is not only health education in pediatrics, it seeks to enhance the abilities, aptitudes and attitudes of the pediatric patient and his family; And facilitates the development to the maximum of its potential by promoting the responsibility, autonomy and safety of the patient in his day to day, to achieve his goals or objectives.

Keywords: Coach, coaching, nurse, pediatrics.