Volumen 20 números 1 y 2 - 2023
ISSN 0718-0918
Tabla de Contenidos > Actualización
Andrea Carolina Zárate Vergara1, Juan Pablo Martínez Salazar2, Leidy Rivera Obando3, Sindy Paola Puentes López4, Plutarco Andrés Uzcátegui Parra5, Irina Suley Tirado Pérez6
1 Medica epidemióloga, Intensivista pediatra, Clínica especializada la Concepción, Sincelejo
2 Médico general, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Residente de pediatría, Corporación Universitaria Remington (CUR)
3 Médica general, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
4 Médica General. Universidad de Sucre
5 Médico General, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB)
6 Médica epidemióloga, Máster cuidado paliativo pediátrico, Residente de pediatría, Corporación Universitaria Remington (CUR)

Resumen | Abstract | Texto completo HTML | Descargar cuerpo en pdf

Introduction: Burns are among the top ten causes of accidental death in children under 14 years of age. Although the principles of burn treatment for pediatric patients are the same as for adults, there are important differences in the physiology and psychology of the pediatric patient.

Objective: The objective of this work is to carry out an updated review of the subject, emphasizing the physiological differences between the adult and pediatric population, in addition to disseminating a comprehensive management with different needs depending on the age group.

Materials and methods: A bibliographic search were carried out in MEDLINE, LILACS, MEDES and SciELO databases. Articles in English and Spanish languages. Keywords for the initial search were burns, Burns Inhalation, pediatric, Health Strategies, burns, Inhalation burns, paediatrics, Health Strategies.

Results: In the first stay, 257 articles were obtained, they were selected and reviewed; Total access was obtained to 132. Articles from adults were excluded, leaving finally the revision of 40 articles.

Conclusions: The burns that occur most in pediatric age are mild, however, the management by a multidisciplinary team does not have the importance required for this, the needs must be individualized according to the age of the patient.

Keywords: Burns, Burns Inhalation, pediatric, Health Strategies

Revista Pediatría Electrónica
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ISSN 0718-0918