Volumen 12 número 3 - Octubre 2015
ISSN 0718-0918
Tabla de Contenidos > Trabajos originales

Fractura de pelvis en la edad pediátrica, experiencia en hospital clínico San Borja Arriaran
Jorge Yanine Habibe (1); Dr. Claudio Meneses (2), Dra. Annie Carpio (3), Dr. Julio Madrid (4)
(1) Licenciado en Medicina, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile; Interno de Medicina, Campus Centro, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
(2) Servicio de Ortopedia y Traumatología Infantil (SOTI), Hospital Clínico San Borja Arriaran (HCSBA), Santiago, Chile; Traumatología Infantil, Clínica Alemana, Santiago, Chile.
(3) Médico en Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología; Fellowship Cirugía Ortopédica Reconstructiva en Adulto y Niños, Clínica Leopoldo Aguerrevere, Caracas, Venezuela; Fellowship Ortopedia y Traumatología Infantil, Hospital Clínico San Borja Arriaran, Santiago, Chile.
(4) Becado Ortopedia y Traumatología, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.

Ninguno de los autores ha recibido  ningún tipo de apoyo financiero directo o indirecto para la realización de este estudio

Resumen | Abstract | Texto completo HTML | Descargar texto en pdf

The pelvic fracture in children is rare. Its incidence is 2,4-7.5% of fractures. The mechanism of injury high energy trauma. The diagnosis is made with radiographs and CT pelvis. Treatment can be conservative or surgical, according to age, classification, stability ring, concomitant injuries and hemodynamics. Most are conservative. In this study we describe the management of this condition in the HCSBA SOTI. Materials and Methods: retrospective descriptive study, of 6 patients between 2005-2014, we analyzed: sex, age, mechanism of injury, treatment received, recovery time, complications and follow. Results: 83.3% were female, the average age was 11.3 years, the damage occurred by: motor vehicle–pedestrian injury (50%), traffic accident (33.3%) and fall from height (16.7%). The treatments were: conservative (83.3%) and surgical (16.7%), the march began on average at 3.6 weeks, months average follow-up was 5.1; complications were inherent to fracture. Discussion: The literature agrees with the results obtained with respect to age, mechanism of injury and treatment. As for the recovery time is not found specific time. Conclusions: The management held in this center is in line with the current evidence.

Keywords: pelvis, fractures in children, high energy, pelvic fracture.

Revista Pediatría Electrónica
Zañartu 1085, Independencia, Santiago, Chile
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ISSN 0718-0918