Volumen 5 número 1 - Abril 2008
ISSN 0718-0918
Tabla de Contenidos > Casos Clínicos
Vasculitis gangrenosa juvenil del escroto: caso clínico y revisión de la literatura
Srs. Matías Minassian 1 , Michael Marsalli 1 , M. Loreto Errázuriz 1 , Alejandra Jaque 1 y Dr. Nicolás Droppelmann 2
1 Interno 7° año, Departamento de Cirugía. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de los Andes.
2 Becado Cirugía, Departamento de Cirugía. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de los Andes.

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First described by Piñol in 1974, it represents a type of scrotal gangrene, of unknown origin, that has its own clinical and pathological characteristics, which makes it unique and therefore differs from other types of scrotal necrosis. Lab exams and different immunological tests seem to show no sort of alterations.

Its main characteristics include the presence of sharp eritematous scrotal lesions that are mostly unique and of a burning and itching sensation, and evolve into well defined necrotic plates. It only shows up in young people, mostly a few days after a breathing infection. The plates tend to disappear after approximately two to three weeks, if properly treated with corticosteroids and antibiotics.

Until now there have been a total of 15 cases, including this one which features a fourteen year old patient, previously healthy, who showed up with tonsillitis and was treated with azitromicine. On the sixth day of treatment, he presented painful eritematous plates that 24 hours later evolved into necrosis . After treating it with prednisone, the necrotic plate disappeared and the disease derived into an ulcer that suddenly closed down during the third week of treatment. A biopsy was taken, along with immunological tests.

Although we count with a low number of reported cases that include different kinds of diagnosis, this particular case meets all of the clinical criteria described by Piñol.

Key words: Vasculitis, scrotal gangrene, youth

Revista Pediatría Electrónica
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ISSN 0718-0918