Volumen 5 número 1 - Abril 2008
ISSN 0718-0918
Tabla de Contenidos > Actualización
Manejo inicial del trauma infantil
Cristian Pérez Bravo 1 , Chosica Buffet 2 , Rostion C.G. 3
1 Interno de Medicina. Universidad de Chile. Sede norte.
2 Interna de Medicina. Universidad de Chile. Sede occidente.
3 Servicio Cirugía Infantil Hospital Clínico de Niños Dr. Roberto del Río. Universidad de Chile Departamento de Pediatría y Cirugía Infantil Campus Norte

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Trauma is the main cause of death of paediatric patients older than one year. Children present anatomical and physiological differences with respect to adults which affect clinical presentation, management and potential complications. Initial management is based on the ABCDE trauma sequence that includes assessment of airway, breathing, circulation, neurological deficit, and exposure. Establishing an adequate line of communication with the patient´s family is fundamental during this initial evaluation. Once the patient stabilized, the secondary survey is carried out in order to detect occult lesions and treat specific medical conditions.

Key words: pediatric trauma, airway management, initial survey

Revista Pediatría Electrónica
Zañartu 1085, Independencia, Santiago, Chile
Teléfonos:(56) 25758092 y 27354991
Correo electrónico: gmedina.uchile@gmail.com
ISSN 0718-0918