Volumen 5 número 3 - Diciembre 2008
ISSN 0718-0918
Tabla de Contenidos > Revisión de Temas

Ostomías abdominales en pediatría: Una Revisión de la Literatura
Abdominal Ostomies in pediatrics: A Review of the Literature

Carolina Espinoza G. 1 , Nicolás Pereira C. 1 , Javiera Benavides T. 1 y Carmen Gloria Rostión A 2
1Internos de Medicina Universidad de Chile
2Tutor Docente, Cirujano Infantil, Servicio Cirugía Infantil Hospital Roberto del Río y Facultad de Medicina Universidad de Chile

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Digestive ostomies are artificial comunications of the hollow intraabdominal organ with the abdominal wall by means of surgery intervention. Her aim is to make up for naturals ways of excretion and feeding when this are suspended for any clinic cause.

Digestive ostomies got different nominations depending on the portion of digestive tract that was externalize, among them stands up: gastrostomies, yeyunostomies, ileostomies and colostomies. Depending of functions the first two are known like feeding ostomies and the following are excretory ostomies.

Ostomie is a treatment that, although is very effective, cause physical and psychic aggression that affects corporal integrity, functional capacity and quality of life, to generate a great impact in the daily life of the pacient.

Health professionals must execute educative function with the familiar group, in order to make easier the adaptation. For that, these must known the theme in depth.

The aim of this article is to make a review of the literature about gastrostomies and intestinal ostomies, including surgery techniques, indications, complications and cares of the different available devices.

Revista Pediatría Electrónica
Zañartu 1085, Independencia, Santiago, Chile
Teléfonos:(56) 25758092 y 27354991
Correo electrónico: gmedina.uchile@gmail.com
ISSN 0718-0918