Volumen 6 número 1 - Abril 2009
ISSN 0718-0918
Tabla de Contenidos > Artículos Originales
Factores ambientales y su incidencia en la experiencia emocional del niño Hospitalizado
Amanda Karen Alfaro Rojas.
Romina Paola Atria Machuca.
Alumnas de Enfermería
Escuela de Enfermería, Facultad de ciencias de la salud, Universidad Diego Portales

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In Chile it is estimated that about a 25% of children under 18 years has been hospitalized at least once. Of those between 10% to 37% would present significant psychological disorders secondary to this event.

This crossed sectional – correlational no experimental quantitative investigation, pretend to determine if a bad hospital environment affect the emotional state of children between 5-12 years old, which hospitalized in the Pediatric Service of the Clinical Hospital San Borja Arriarán (HCSBA). In addition to identify the environmental factors that affect in the emotional state of children.

The results shows that 50% of children studied had altered emotional during hospitalization. In applying the test Pearson Chi-square statistic, it was determined that there was a significant association between a bad hospital environment and its negative influence on the emotional state of children hospitalized with a p = 0.013 and a 98% confidence. We found that children living in a bad environment hospitable presents a probability of 6.14 times higher if emotionally affected compared to those with proper hospital setting.

Environmental factors recognized by children as those who were affected the most: the separation of parents, diagnostic procedures, treatment and separation from friends.

We conclude that for this specific population good hospital environment is a key factor to prevent the emergence of secondary consequences of this event. The hospital should be an opportunity to strengthen family ties and build the capacity of resilience, along with allowing the area of Nursing reinforce the importance of providing care biopsychosocial considering the real dimension of these small patients. The multidisciplinary work and minimal changes would improve organizational performance and give more satisfaction to our users.

Keywords: Hospitalization child, emotional state, the hospital environment, hospitalism.

Revista Pediatría Electrónica
Zañartu 1085, Independencia, Santiago, Chile
Teléfonos:(56) 25758092 y 27354991
Correo electrónico: gmedina.uchile@gmail.com
ISSN 0718-0918