Volumen 2 número 3 - Diciembre 2005
ISSN 0718-0918
Tabla de Contenidos > Trabajo original
Control de transmisión intrahospitalaria de Adenovirus implementando ingresos en aislamiento individual. Y ¿porqué hacerlo?
Control of hospital acquired adenoviral infections through a system of admission in individual rooms. And Why to do it?
Drs. Santiago Topelberg y Carmen  Chevarría
Unidad de Aislamiento, Servicio de Pediatría, Hospital de Niños Dr. Roberto del Río.

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A prospective study of frequency of intra-hospital adenoviral infections in infants and pre-schoolers with low respiratory infections. The study compares patients using a shared room during 1996 with patients using individual rooms in 1997 and 1998. The percentage of patients with nosocomial infections was reduced from 72% in 1996 to 38% in 1998. The intra-hospital adenoviral infection was more frequent in individuals with previous patologies and was significantly associated with clinical worsening, global respiratory insuficiency and death, being larger in infants younger than 6 months and with previous bronchopulmonar pathologies.

Keywords: Adenovirus infection, hospital acquired infection.
Revista Pediatría Electrónica
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ISSN 0718-0918